After the Rain in the Quebec Mountains

These photos were shot while exploring mountain roads in Quebec on a hot day, just after the rain showers passed. Edit is inspired by Kodak Portra 400 film.

July 5, 2023

An M3 After The Rain

July 5, 2023

Hiking the L’Éperon Mountain

Hiking up a mountain in high heat and humidity without sufficient fitness levels was perhaps not the best decision ever made. It was however worth the effort. This trail was in Jacques Cartier National Park, Quebec, a stunning park centered around a meandering road through a mountain valley. I wish I could have gotten back for more photography but that will have to be on another trip. Near the end of the hike we stumbled onto an adorable family of Canada Geese. ...

July 4, 2023

Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec

This was an odd place to visit, jammed packed with tourists (like us) in a never ending procession. Hard to take it all in and one can’t help but feel it’s a space that isn’t meant for that. ...

July 2, 2023

Confucius I Presume

July 2, 2023