Boston Skyline

Various shots of Boston’s skyline taken from a rooftop patio over multiple days.

August 28, 2023

Faces of Boston's John Hancock Building

Taken on various days and conditions. This building generates some really neat reflections from the vantage point I had access to on a recent visit.

August 28, 2023

An Epic Beach Sunset

While vacationing near the coast, I realized something potentially incredible was developing and made a mad dash to Clam Harbor beach with my camera. I was greeted with the most incredible sunset sidelight and partial dark cloud cover I’ve ever photographed. There was actually a couple here taking their wedding photos, I suspect they came out ok. The halo image is not artifical and actually as photographed, a happy little coincidence I found when I got home. ...

August 20, 2023

Saying Goodbye To The Long Weekend

August 7, 2023

M3 Grand Pre Sunset

July 9, 2023